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The Cost Of Dental Implants In Costa Rica Will Surprise You

Missing teeth can create a lot of problems such as trouble speaking and eating, as well as become a source of anxiety. A lot of people with missing teeth feel more self-conscious about their appearance, which can even prevent them from simple things like smiling freely. Missing teeth can also lead to other problems such as gum disease and digestive issues. It is important to treat a missing tooth as soon as you can through dental implants In Costa Rica. Sonria dental Boutique provides an affordable option for missing teeth for patients who live in the US and Canada.

What Are Dental Implants in Costa Rica?

Dental implants in Costa Rica are actually the best solution for missing teeth such they work from the root up. They actually mirror real teeth by replacing the missing root structure with tiny titanium posts. This gives the substitute tooth concrete support, making sure they are strong enough to chew anything. They can last for up to 30 years and are stronger than crowns and bridges. They are a one-time surgery that will last for the rest of your life.

They look really natural since they are virtually indistinguishable from real teeth. They serve to boost your self-esteem and confidence since you begin to feel more comfortable with your smile. They can also allow you to chew items that you couldn’t before. Dental implants in Costa Rica are a popular procedure since a lot of patients prefer the comfort they provide.

So, How Much Do Dental Implants in Costa Rica Cost?

Dental implants in Costa Rica cost 80% less than their counterparts in the US. In the United States, they can cost up to $5000. This means that a lot of patients go without the procedure since they can’t afford it. This can actually cause more teeth to fall out due to the domino effect. If one tooth goes missing, it can actually make the position of the other teeth shift as well. This causes more and more teeth to become loose.

Comparatively, dental implants in Costa Rica cost up to $750 to $1000. This means that you can solve your missing teeth problem easily. The low cost doesn’t mean that you will receive bad oral healthcare. Dental clinics in Costa Rica like Sonria Dental Boutique have an Implantologist on duty to address your personal needs. This means that you actually receive a high quality of dental care at almost 80% less cost.

It is important to address dental issues as soon as you can. Neglect can worsen the condition of your teeth, causing other physical problems. If an affordable option like dental implants in Costa Rica, why would you not avail it?

Costa Rica Dental Implants | Request a Free consultation today

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